Choose yourself and everything else will change in your life

Feeling empty and burnout

Commit to You and Start creating life you really want

Connect with yourself
See yourself from your heart.

Have you ever felt exhausted and empty? Have you ever felt like you want to run away and never come back? Have you ever felt like people take advantage of you?

I see very often women who feel empty and they are saying something is missing in their life. They have a good job, a partner, a nice house, however, they are about to burn out. They serve their bosses and colleagues, they serve their husbands and children, they serve their friends and neighbours and there is no energy left for themselves. 


Yes darling, we often commit to hiding or exaggerating our flaws, trying to make others happy or comfortable at the expense of our happiness and comfort.

We live in an illusion because we commit to who we think we should be rather than committing to meeting ourselves where we are. How often we commit to seeing ourselves through other people’s eyes, gauging our self-worth based on their acceptance, rather than witnessing our unique inner beauty and strength.

This one is huge ladies, be honest with yourself you commit to being nice rather than being real, or you commit to being right rather than being vulnerable .

I am inviting you to commit to your true, authentic, self is the beginning of a lifelong journey of living in authenticity.

Commit to yourself
Start witnessing your unique inner beauty and strength.

Remember, you are precious, and you are enough. Exactly as you are darling.

The magic happens when you let go of who you wish you were, because in doing so you free up that wasted energy and begin to reclaim your true power. This surrendering of what is not allows you to be radiantly, magnetically, and creatively who you really are.

I do not know many women who look in the mirror every day and actually see themselves. Instead, they see who we are not, the woman, they think they are supposed to be, and they are immediately drawn to the areas where they feel they’ve fallen short.

I am inviting you to consciously looking in the mirror and seeing yourself from your heart instead of through the smoky layers of your own idealization and judgment about who you think you should be.

Today, let go of the many ideas you have adopted over the years about what constitutes “beautiful,” and just look at the beautiful being who is before you.

Practice seeing yourself without story.

Also witness what the stories are. Are they true, or are they social constructs?

In many cases, these stories need to be rewritten!

  • Start taking time for yourself.
  • Start saying more No.
  • Start being creative again.
  • Start dating yourself.
  • Get something sexy for yourself.
  • Start pleasuring yourself without guilt. Discover your body. Discover what make you orgasmic.
  • Start your own rituals.
the power of rituals
Rituals will help you to go deeper within yourself.

I know what it’s like to be stuck with a nasty inner critic, comparing myself and drained by self-doubt, self-loathing and overthinking. I know how lost and hopeless it feels when you hit rock bottom.

Things started changing when I started connecting with women nature. When I started connecting with my body and my soul. When I started understanding what it means to be in my feminine energy and inviting more flow in my life. When I started connecting with myself on a deeper level and shifting beliefs that no longer serve me.

Suddenly, my soul, my body, my intuition, life started guiding me. I started attracting people and situations that are aligned with my heart desires. I listen to my body whispers to guide me what is right or not right for me. I changed every aspect of my life. I have never felt happier.


Let me show you how to start the most important journey in your life.[button link=”” type=”icon” icon=”heart”] I am READY[/button]  


” I found our sessions so empowering and I have been attempting to really implement your tools into my everyday life. After only one session with you I already see the changes in my life. Powerful. Thank you for your positive vibes and knowledge. Sally M.”

“Thank you so much Karolina I had no idea what to expect from a session with you, but my time with you surpassed my expectations. I really appreciate the time and caring you shared with me. It made a huge difference to what I achieved and took away from my trip to Bali – I ended up coming away with more than I expected.”

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