11 ways to attract the right man in your life

Attrace the right man

Let’s explore how to raise your vibration and attract the right man in your life


  • 1.Decide what you want

Loads of women do not know what kind of relationship they want. It is like going to a librarian and asking her for a book. You need to know what book you want.Sit down, put your hands on your chest, tune into yourself and start writing.

What relationship do you desire?

How you want him to touch you? How you communicate? How he makes you feel? What is your contribution in this relationship?

Clarity is very important! and one more thing…. be very honest with yourself – Are you ready for a new relationship? or Do you still need to heal or rediscover yourself and shift some beliefs about love and yourself?

When I was manifesting my partner. I was so clear about what I want. I felt and saw every single detail. I said to Univers “I am done with boyfriends, I want to attract my husband”. And I did within 3 months. After 17 months of being together, travelling together, working together we got engaged. yeey

Let Love Into Your Life
Open Your Heart for Love


  • 2. Start Listening what Your Body and Soul is saying

Find a time every day for yourself. This will be your sacred Goddess time.  Meditate for 10 min and then Start noticing your body and your emotions. Connect with your heart desires, your Soul. Your heart, soul and body will guide you on your journey.


  • 3. Start Noticing Your Patterns- Become observant.

Watch from a distance what pattern do you repeat over and over again. Are you controlling person? Are you people pleaser? Are you Isolator? Do you have a tendency to multi-tasking?


  • 4. Start Noticing your language

Do you have a positive inner chat or negative?

You see, in order to change anything in our life, first, we need to know where we are! Be aware of your thoughts and what you saying as this will show you very quickly where you are blocking yourself.


  • 5.Start discovering your deep beliefs about love, relationships and yourself.

In order to start manifesting what you really want in your life, you need to start deeper work. Find all the beliefs that are serving you like “I can do anything” and also start discovering the beliefs that prevent you from achieving what you want ie. “I do not deserve to be successful”, “I need to work hard”, “I do not trust man”, “I am not good enough”.

After finding your limiting beliefs, write next to them where they come from. You will be surprised how many are not even yours. You have picked up them from your parents or surrounding.

Start transforming them into a positive one. Likes attract likes. If your beliefs on a subconscious level are like I am not good enough, I do not trust man, I am alone etc guess who you will attract?

Yes, someone who will reinforce your beliefs, someone who is toxic or controlling. Someone who is vibrationally low.If you need help on that one. Reach out.


Forgiveness is a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment.
  • 6. Forgiveness- start practising forgiveness.

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools to liberate your life on so many levels. In order to open your heart again for love, you need to forgive yourself first, forgive your ex, forgive your parents. Only this way you can open yourself up for something new on a deeper level. Otherwise, you hold your grudges, resentments, resistance, blame, shame, guilt into the next relationship or these energies are holding you back to let the love in. This one is a big one! I recommend you to get support on that one.



  • 7.Treat Yourself to the Perfect Date!

Yes, that includes taking yourself out on your own perfect date. Where the perfect date night outfit and pick the perfect makeup look. Where have you been wanting to go? Want to go to that fab restaurant that you’ve been dying to eat at? Don’t worry about who is looking or why you are sitting alone,  don’t worry about all of that.  Have fun you deserve it.

Unclock Feminine Power
Change every relationship in your life by unlocking feminine power.


  • 8. Take Care of Yourself

Did you know that solitude aids in a healthy relationship! Take some alone time just for yourself. Get a massage, get a mani/pedi, take a nice long bath, read a book while you’re at it or throw on your fave Netflix movie. Don’t forget to take care of your body by exercising, eating healthy, meditating, not for someone else but for you!

  • 9.Do what you Love 

Do more what inspire you, what makes you feel creative, what makes you excited, what makes you feel empowered and sexy. This is the fastest way to raise your vibration and feel good.


  • 10.Practice tapping into your Feminine energy

This one is a big one as well. I see loads of women in their masculine energy. They control, they are needy and desperate. They unconsciously fight with men, punish them, put them down, compete.

Imagine, you are like a queen. The queen knows how to allow, how to receive support, how to receive love, how to receive compliments, how to receive money.

Darlings, we need to be in our feminine so our man can be in his masculine! The king wants to have a queen beside not another man. If you want to learn more click here.

Get excited
Learn something new!


  • 11. Take Risk!

Learn something new! Take a Zumba or hot yoga class. Always burning your food, take a cooking class or my ultimate favorite past-time learn how to bake desserts! Get into the risk-taking mode.

Face your fears, go zip-lining, volunteer for something, get your hands dirty, and get adventurous!


You learn how to commit to doing things on your own. You learn how to self reflect and learn the beauty of self-care! You learn more about who you are, your aspirations, your goals, your belief system!


Drive the seat of your own life and stop letting someone else do it for you! Trust me if you don’t they will wind up crashing and you’ll be the one hurt and in pain, while they walk away bandage free! Embark on your own journey, learn who you are, do the inner work and you will attract the right person at your most opportune timing!


Unlock Your Feminine Power Now
Embrace your Journey of Empowerment


I am sharing this with you as I help women from different part of the world how to first fall in love in yourself, transform any limiting beliefs about “love”, “relationship”, “man” and then manifest with high vibration the right man so you can create a beautiful, co-commited relationship, not another toxic, co-dependent relationship.

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