Manifestation Challenge – April 2024 – Recorded sessions
Recording will be available only for the next…
Day 1 – 19.4.2024
The homework for today is… share what you got it when you truly connected with yourself during the session… what is your desire/intention for the next few months…. Share it in the messenger group.
Day 2 – 20.4.2024
The homework for today is…
finish the sentense … I choose…. (5 times) for example I choose to exercise 3 times a day, I choose to heal my traumas, I choose to be kind to myself
and 5 times … I commit…. for example I commit to healing , I commit to follow my dreams, I commit to…
and second homework.. based on muscle test… and testing beliefs… write 2 beliefs and 2 fears that you need to focus on transforming… in the next few weeks/months
Share it in the messenger group.
finish the sentense … I choose…. (5 times) for example I choose to exercise 3 times a day, I choose to heal my traumas, I choose to be kind to myself
and 5 times … I commit…. for example I commit to healing , I commit to follow my dreams, I commit to…
and second homework.. based on muscle test… and testing beliefs… write 2 beliefs and 2 fears that you need to focus on transforming… in the next few weeks/months
Share it in the messenger group.
Day 3 – 21.4.2024
The homework for today is…
write take away from these 3 days together…
Share it in the messenger group.
write take away from these 3 days together…
Share it in the messenger group.